Cablevision DVR Service

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by sloose, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. sloose

    sloose Guest

    I currently have (and am quite happy with) DirecTV / DirecTivo and have used it for about 3-4 years. I havent upgraded the box, so I am at the 40 hours, which suits me just fine.

    Cablevision has offered me a DVR service package that will save me $50 a month approximately if I bundle VoIP phone, internet (both of which I already use) and the cable TV.

    1) Which box is cablevision offering as their HDTV DVR?

    2) If it is the dreaded DCT 6412, is the service/software any better than comcast's apparent goof?

    3) Should I just say screw the savings? My direct tivo is and has been completely flawless for 3-4 years- only locking up or needing to be rebooted occasionally.

    This is the first offering of anyone having a dvr that remotely has the capabilities of my directivo (dual tuner abilities). I *really* want the directivo HDTV, but i can't seem to fathom paying $1000 for it either.
  2. pop0331

    pop0331 Guest

    The box we've gotten back in January is the Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300HD

    the link says 90 hours of SD & 20 hours of HD but I think it is actually over 100 & 30 for HD

    the box is great, haven't had one problem at all! the dual tuner works flawlessly

    some highlights:
    dual DVR
    digital optical or dig coax audio
    External SATA Connector ***as of a month ago, this feature was currently not available***

    We bought a 40 hour Tivo back in January and loved it, then Cablevision annouced the boxes were ready in our area so we had to check it out for the $$$

    still love Tivo, but I'd miss this box more if we went back!


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