Cam needed for shooting low budget music videos

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by ThaSunGod, May 18, 2007.

  1. ThaSunGod

    ThaSunGod Guest

    ok, so i think i can wiggle my way to the 2,000 budget mark, but i need something thats clear, has great definition. I really don't know much about camcorders and such, but any help would be appreciated.

  2. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    okay this one is over 2,000, but it's realy nice read some review on it before you buy it to make sure it's right for you "Sony Handycam® HDRFX7 Mini DV Digital Camcorder", i suggest Enterprise Photo, they are ALOT CHEAPER THAN AMAZON OR ANY BIG NAME

    this one is cheaper "Sony Handycam® DCR-VX2100 Mini DV Digital Camcorder"

    tell us more on the job your trying to do, details pleaz

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