Camcorder to Camcorder

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by behrad, Jul 17, 2005.

  1. behrad

    behrad Regular member

    Jul 27, 2004
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    Hi all,
    Does anyone know how I can copy video from one camcorder (Sony TRV-15) to another camcorder (panasonic - GS120) using the firewire port and without the aid of a PC. Is there a special cable required???
    Kind regards
  2. jorlin

    jorlin Guest

    I have started making backup tapes before any editing, just in case. You can use an external hard drive to connect them as long as it has 2 firewire ports and its own power supply. Just plug both cameras into it using the firewire cables. Then you can put one camcorder on play and one on record and you're good to go. No computer required.

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