I'm getting Crysis in a couple of days, and i was reading that the configuration files can be tweaked to enable ultra high settings (similar to dx10) on winXP. I was wondering if lowering the resolution could enable me to run ultra high settings at a playable frame rate(see sig below for specs). I know this is probably way out of the question with my system, but i had to ask. thanks.
Wow, i was expecting a big no there. I'll probably end up playing on medium to high settings at 1024x768 (i have a small monitor ), but i just wanted to see ultra high graphics firsthand.
Yes he can play it on high with those res? Or did you just mean with those specs that he can play them on those res in low setting? 'cause I'm sure at that res and those specs he is not able to play crysis on high at 1152x864.
The 9600GT is as fast as the HD3870 I had, and I could run the game on all high at 1280x1024 with that.