I need help creating a website on dreamweaver 8, i already have the template but need help further more im 15 from England,if anybody has any contacts that they know of as friends or family could they please post back in this thread.Thanks
mc22hc- HTML is not really used any longer because it can not support a lot of functions that web designers need. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, but has for the most part has been replaced with XHTML (Extended Hyper Text Markup Language). For the most part they use the same features, except that XHTML offers a wider variety of uses. There are other languages as well, but one that is very important is CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and one code of CSS may be used for a variety of pages if not the entire site. Basically, the languages are not very difficult to lean. You of course will need a little practice with the different aspects of each fundamental property. Dreamweaver is a fantastic program for using in web development, however, the little tutorial I am going to give you does not require it. They want you to learn how to design without the need for a software program that can get in your way. Go to http://www.html.net/ and you can learn a lot of basics of XHTML, and CSS. You will see that web design is not difficult although it can be time consuming. Good luck and I hope you do well at it!
mc22hc- I would love to have the time to help you, but I am pretty busy most of the time. What is the basic layout and arrangement of your site? There are a lot of things that would need to become clear before you start doing your design. Take that course I pointed out to you. It will give you some good basic fundamentals. If you have any questions you may post them and I will do my best to respond. 1st Step: Create a folder on your Hard Disk called, "My Webs". This is where all of your sites will be stored. anytime you need to update a site you will have it on your HDD in this folder. 2nd Step: Create a folder for your current site development. Name the folder the name of the site. Note: only use lower case letters. and don't use spaces. Follow this in all of your creation and folder names. 3rd Step: Within the folder you just created create a folder called, "html", "css", "images", and any others you may need at a later time. You will notice that all of your HTML files will be stored in the html folder and so forth. This make for easy navigation when you are writing the code. You will find that staying organized is the key to creating successful websites. It is also the key to finding and updating, changing, and troubleshooting before the code is presented to the web. There are a lot of little tricks that you can do before you submit the site. Another thing to remember is that you don't remove the information from your HDD after you have submitted it to the server. You will do all of your updates from the original material. At least that is the best way to do it. You want what is on the web to be on your computer as well. These are just a few of the basics before you begin that you should be familiar with. Hopefully you will have time to learn and become a great web designer. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer. Good luck!
done all that already is some other stuff that i need to do,like creating my own graffiti text in dreamweaver as my friends did with his website.Also im trying to add a radio windows media pkyer tool bar on my website and i got the html encoding that is needed to get it because i found it on the shoutcast website.But when i try and put it in eveything moves to different places.Do you have msn?
Everything moves to different places because you have not specified locations. You also have to test your site with different browsers. CSS is a good place to get your page organized to your liking. Are you referring to MSN Messenger? yes, I have it but I find it very annoying. I rarely use it. Send me the link to the shoutcast site you were talking about. Let me look at what you are referring to.
Because i want to have a live radio on my website,which im going to host im going to have a server which can handle unlimited bandwith basically arent i?http://www.shoutcast.com/download/serve.phtml <thats the link,as i a going to host it myself i have to have a server for the radio on my pc,at that the bottom of that link i sent you,you will the see the html coding that is needed in my site to get the windows media player thingy.Take a look and get back to me thanks.Also if you want to send me your email address i can send you so far what i have done its only about 400kb
I will have to take a little spare time to download the software for testing purposes. I'm surprised that you can download the software to different OS systems. Normally only a server can host websites. In fact you are suppose to have a minimum of two servers for your website. Do you have a static IP address? Most people are dynamic, which means that your IP address is changed by your ISP from time to time. This is a new ballgame from what I am familiar with. It may be this weekend before I have a chance to take a look at it. I sent you a PM if you wish to send me the information you have written for your site. I don't know how much time I will have to go over it, unless I wait until this weekend.
I have sent you the wesbite page by the email address that you gave me,yeah if possible could you look at it this weekend.I need to sort out my site as soon as possible only the homepage has been sent because that where i need the html coding to be put in places in the center coloum of the page below the head "Radio".Did you look at that link to do with shoutcast?If you did then you would of saw the html coding thats involved.What 2 servers are envolved?I need one for keeping my website online so people can access it,im thinking about going for an option with a company which as 100MB Internet Speed,Unlimited Bandwith,Unlimited Memory,Inetl Xeon 3.0 Dual Core,2 GB Ram,I want that spec because thats what my friends got.And when he has alot of people on his site which is www.desi-beatz.com if never crashes on the sever fails.Maybe once or twice the radio server fails.But mainly thats the only server im going to need arent i which has to go through a good company?The other type of server is for my radio but i can run that on windows xp system anyway because that's also what my friend does. If you go to his site you will see how he has done it with the html coding for the windows media toolbar.If you could get back to me on this thread i would appreciate it thanks for your time once again.