Can anyone help me regarding Sony DCR HC14E please?

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by Tom00008, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. Tom00008

    Tom00008 Member

    May 16, 2004
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    I have just bought the above digital camcorder, but the sony picture package software seems really difficult to use (it may just be me - it's my first camcorder).

    i want to be able to transfer my footage onto my hard disc and then to a dvd, can anyone tell me how to do this eg what programmes i will need, or will it automatically download when i insert the firewire? I have dvd rewriter etc.
    Thanks for any help or advice anyone can give me.
  2. komodor

    komodor Guest

    Hm... Tommy... same problem over here... Bought it the same day... fusking thing... Added software is crap, I agree, so, try to download some freewares from the web... Apparently nobody else is seing this forum anyway, so feel free to check it out sometimes, cause when I get to understand the fusker (meaning my dv fuckcorder), I'll keep you posted... i'll have some spare time this week, so I'll play a little with it... So far I KNOW that the biggest problem is to get the firewire to work... Correctly, I mean... The idea we need is how to grabb, hm... move, record or whatever the film from the tape to a hard disk... Then burn it on dvd... And that can only be done by firewire... This past few days i also didn't manage to do it... maybe you have found the way how so far... if you did, You could send me some of your results so far, since i also know shit about the whole thing... but am willing to help... Sorry 'bout lousy language, english was not my first choice in life...
  3. Sundiver

    Sundiver Member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    I got the same camcorder 2 weeks ago(cost £350uk):- true the included s/ware is ugly, but I've got another 6 capture/edit progs to try - WindowsXP MovieMaker isn't too bad as a basic start.
    Anyhow I've got the problem that if I try to capture uncompressed DV via Firewire the video is blocky & the audio is cr*p.
    I can capture with latest NeroVision, but only as Mpeg compressed, otherwise I'm quiet pleased with it as my first video-camera.
    See new post:-
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2004
  4. Donison

    Donison Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    hi....i have the same fusking problem with this shit cam....i want to know if someone knows how to fix the firewire so i can send the pics and movies by usb to my harddrive???it would be very nice of you....thanks

  5. komodor

    komodor Guest

    No man, usb and the firewire are 2 diff. things... two diff. kinds of cables... USB cable is for web like quality of movies... It also should work for managing dig. imagery to HD... But it doesn't. That's why we are pissed off about... The firewire cable is operable ONLY with a firewire card/port/connector...
    UsB goes to usb port/input... through it you can capture the movie via grapf capture device in maximum 640x480 (interpolated) quality... And that is crap... webcamera like quality... not worth over 500 EUR...
    basically, it operates in 320x240 pixel reslouttion, and the sound is 8/11000 kHZ... crappy LQ...
    Firewire, on the other hand should get you the HQ abbility for capturing realtime 1600 x ??? resolution which dv can produce... and a sound of 96000 kHz... more less... But it doesn't work... So, the problem lies in:
    a) incompatible hardware
    b) the fact that fuckcorder requires/needs additional 5000 EUR software
    c) need of specific OS, SCSII drives, dial up with God... whatever...

    Suma Summarum, I hate this fusking, for me operable only on VHS device, non (MY) pc compatible piece of shit camcorder...
  6. komodor

    komodor Guest

    By the way I paid mine more than 550 EUR...
    How much did you guys pay for it?
    Wanna make a mass petition for refunding?
    A collective charges? Joint case?
    'cause this camcorder sucks!!!
  7. uzziber

    uzziber Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Let me try to help you guys! (13 days later) I'm new on this forum and my english is poor; but I'll try.
    What i'm doing is this:
    1.- I capture with VirtualDub software (free) uncompressed AVI's. You can try with AMCap software (free), and some people think that Ulead Studio is the best software (around 100 USD)for capture.
    2.- Edit with Premiere, I'm editing with Premiere Pro.
    3.- Compress, Premier has some codecs to do it.
    4.- Burn with Easy DVD 6 or Nero

    I had the same problem that you have; the software bundled with your digital cameras compress to mpeg and what you get is not "viewable", pixelation, etc. that's why I'm capturing (USB) uncompressed AVI's with VirtualDub software.

    There are some things that you have to check before capture your videos:
    If you are using Windows XP, Is you HD in NFTS partition? has to be NFTS partition.
    Is your HD defragmented? has to be defragmented.
    Do you have space in your HD? you will need plenty of space in your HD for your AVI's.
    your USB connections, is 2.0? transfer rate.
    I don't see any problem with the wirefire if your capture software accept it.

    Good Luck!!
  8. komodor

    komodor Guest

    hm... have tried that allready, dude... didn't work... have XP. have NTSF drive... have one fusking Gb om DDR... the result - crappy, low resolution video and audio - plain awfull...
    what resolution do you got when capturing?
    if 1600 x 1200 then OK
    what audio rate?
    if 96 000 Hz then OK
    if not, tv capture card is enough for that...
    weblike - VHS - 8mm, video i have... but mini dv to DVD HQ is what i need...
    Cheers... Answer me... please...
  9. SirBobby

    SirBobby Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    ... VirtualDub... It’s rely work... great. Video is a lot of Mb’s bat is good quality. I try it on 320*240 and 640*480. It's work !!!

    The only problem is I HAVE NO AUDIO.

    In my PC is some audio device (Sigma Tel) and I have no way to change Audio/Properties recording device from that card to USB. There is a option bat I can’t conform it (OK button is gray ?!?). On original sony driver is option to choose from (Sigma Tel Audio Device) / (USD Audio) / (Blue Tooth Audio) ?!?

    Any idea ?
  10. uzziber

    uzziber Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I've been looking for answers for your question (I'm learning too!); there are some ideas on my mind;
    a) are you trying to get more resolution then the miniDV resolution?; I'think you won't.
    b) I have a friend who produces a TVCable Sport show and he has miniDV cameras for outdoors videos and broadcast cameras for (he has a studio set) indoors videos; after the edition and DVD burn, he send the DVD to the TVCable for broadcasting and there is a remarkable difference between the miniDV and the broadcast videos. May be there is your answer.
    I'm sorry if I cant'help you.I hope you find answers, please let me know.
    Good Luck!
  11. komodor

    komodor Guest

    uzziber man... screw USB transfer, that is fusking baby game (320x240 or 640 x480 interpolated)... but, when capture via firewire, u got 720x576 dv compressed file...TV qual... But... this gotta go higher when capture uncompressed stream... don't you think so... What is a resolution of uncompressed DV recording? over 1600 x 1200 right? what equipment do I need to get it? what software - i assume Premier's ok, but is there anybody who knows for sure...

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