Can anyone please teach me how to script?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Leighton, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Leighton

    Leighton Guest

    If anyone could help me out on some scripting that would be really cool. I wanting to script my own mirc script of if someone could do it for me. PLZ post me back if you can help.
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i taught myself Unix from mainly google, and for Unix scripting i've done the same, so i think google searching would be more than sufficient for what you want to do...
  3. Leighton

    Leighton Guest

    man if there is any program I can send your or anything for scripting me a script the way I want it I would be really hook up.
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i don't know the innards of Mirc but it can't be very difficult. my previous suggestion applies :)
  5. Leighton

    Leighton Guest

    those forums have nothing to do with scripting
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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  7. Leighton

    Leighton Guest

    well thanks for the hlep anyways if you can send someone along who can do it holla at me
  8. chromesn

    chromesn Guest

    well, i don't know of any "programs" that will teach you to script in mirc, but i can tell you how i learned:

    (it's been awhile since i used any irc client, so you'll have to figure out most of this on your own, using whatever mirc client you want to script in). open mirc, create your own room called "test" or anything you like. go through the scripts provided with your client until you see one that does something similar to what you want to do.

    now, somewhere in there, theres a button that says "edit scripts" or the like. open that, and find the script you just used and see how it's set up. change a few of the parameters (like if you want to do a popup, change the text to something different than what the provided script says. like if the popup says "ohh baby!" and plays a wav, change the text {you should be able to figure out where it says "ohh baby!"} to what ever you want, like "hey! mind if i sht on your chest while you give me head? THANKS! you ARE a sport!" and see if it works.
    colors and text sizes are in there too, (a # from 1-10 for colors, so on).
    you can pretty much figure out what each section of the script does by changing it, and thats how you go about it.

    hope this helps :)

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