i just recived this strange email from aD, i dont know what it says and i think its in finish and sorry i didnt know wher to posts this so i did it here, safety value is a forum where you can discuss anthing right? so if anyone can tell me wha this says that would ge great. Subj: Sinulle on uusi yksityisviesti Date: 30 January 2006 07:45:12 From: newsletter@afterdawn.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sinulle on lähetetty yksityisviesti AfterDawn.com:n keskustelu- alueiden kautta. Voit lukea viestin osoitteessa: http://keskustelu.afterdawn.com/private_thread.cfm?thread_id=58812 Voit lukea yksityisviestit myös kirjautumalla sisään tunnuksellasi, ja klikkaamalla <b>Yksityisviestit</b> -linkkiä sivun yläreunassa. Terveisin, AfterDawn.com lol, wtf.
i think it was telling you that you have a private message and click on the link to see it.i could be wrong as i dont speak finish.
Somebody, for whatever reason, sent you a private message via our Finnish forums (keskustelu.afterdawn.com). You can read it via English interface by simply changing the word "keskustelu" with "forums" in the URL. Both forums use the same backend and share the database, so private messages are readable in both forums, depending which language you prefer in your UI (and obviously with your English forum login, you can post to Finnish forums and vice versa). More accurate translation: Subject: You have a new private message ------ You've been sent a private message via AfterDawn.com's discussion forums. You can read the message in address: ...the url... You can read private messages also by logging in with your account and clicking <b>Private messages</b> link at the top of the page. Regards, AfterDawn.com
weazel200: Years ago we asdked all volunteers to contact us in order to launch either Spanish or German version of our site -- didnät receive a single email, ever. If we find a good team of volunteers who are willing to go through the process of first translating the web site itself and then maintain news, software and guide sections in their selected language, we're more than willing to negotiate a deal that would compensate the people involved also financially if the site "takes off". But as we don't have time or resources to actively look for such individuals, there are no current plans to launch new language versions in near future -- unless some good candidates pop up