i am transfering vhs to dvd when i get the files to mpeg2 i am trying to use nero vision to burn the dvd well after it gets 3/4 way it comes to a stop, i have nero 7 and i have 3gigs of ram, also should i make my files avi to use nero vision. help granbn
i can burn a avi videofile useing nero vision but i try to burn an mpeg 2 file and it gets 3/4 thrue than freezes. any sugetions as to what i am doing wrong. granbn
Is there an error message? Are you running out of disk space or memory? Save your Nerovision log and post it to the thread. Edit out your name and Nero serial number before posting. You might try using ConvertXtoDVD to see if the file is corrupt: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/
i got 3 gigs ram and lots of space, why can i burn an avi perfectly in vision but mpeg freezes? and witch would give me a better picture avi or mpeg2. i will try mpeg2 again and save the log. thank you for replying granbn
AVI is just a container format that usually holds more compressed video formats like xvid, divx, mpeg4, etc. One cannot really directly compare video quality based only on the format, AVI vs MPEG2. Some MPEG2s can be of lower video quality than some AVIs and v.v. Perhaps the log will provide some clues as to the problem.