can i burn dvd 9's with my burner?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by gr689, Sep 11, 2004.

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  1. gr689

    gr689 Guest

    i have a DVDRW IDE1108 8x, can i burn 9's or 10's with this?
  2. Gringle

    Gringle Guest

    Wohooo, slow down gr689!

    There's some great folk who'll help you in here but, all you've said so far is you've got an 8x burner.
    Explain what you want to do, describe what programs are on your pc, and they will try to help.
    Thur ain't no rush.

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]give instuction to a wise man. Then he will become wiser, give instruction to a fool. Then he will become wiser. It's all about time.. [thet slanty-eyed bloke I used to read][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2004
  3. gr689

    gr689 Guest

    what more do i need to say?
  4. Gringle

    Gringle Guest

    Well I for one would like to know what 9's and 10's are?
    From a grammatical English, reading point of view, 9is and 10is don't make much sense.

    I re-iterate what do you want to do?
  5. gr689

    gr689 Guest

    9gb blank dvd+r or dvd-r discs......
  6. Gringle

    Gringle Guest

    Sorry for mis-understanding

    As far as I know 9gig dvds' are dual layer, and require a dual layer burner.

    8x is the burning speed of a single layer 4.7gig DVD of very high quality GO5+

    hope that helps
  7. gr689

    gr689 Guest

    still unsure though. i bought my dvd burner about 8 months ago and it does say dual on the casing; but does that just mean it burns on + or - format?
  8. Gringle

    Gringle Guest

    I would have thought that 8 months ago dual would have meant dual format +.- ...

    The best thing to do is post the details of your pc cd/wr etc, and what you want to do.

    And there's lots of folk who'll help you.
  9. andyman0

    andyman0 Guest

    As gringle say`s,what do you want to do?.Do you want to back up original dvd`s that you own?do you want to put to dvdr a movie you have downloaded?Each of the above mentioned has to be done in a particular way.If you want to put a movie onto dvdr off your HD then depending what format it is in,it has to be converted from that format to dvd format.So quite simply what do you want to do?
  10. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Not with just a dvd burner :)

    Alot more!! The brand of the burner would help. Your system specs? And, why you didn't read the forum rules?
    [bold]Especially #7[/bold]
    7. Describe your problem specifically -- including the thread topic, because this helps people who are willing to answer to you.

    Is this your burner?
    DRW 1108IM – DVD+/-RW Drive by: BTC?

    If so, you've got a dual format. You can burn +/-R(RW). You cannot burn dual layer discs.

    Next time ... try to be a little more clear.
  11. gr689

    gr689 Guest

    I must say, thank you everyone for so much help. You must deal with this 'being specific thing' a lot, among other unruly people who post here; but just as a human reminder being cocky just cause' your a moderator or you think your superior to other people because they are asking a few questions about something you may know about, is not that cool. Take it easy and maybe handle a few less posts. And yes I did read the rules, but relax and quit acting like that SNL character, you know, the computer geek who when asked a pc question gets up abruptly and tell them to "MOVE, MOVE". Just try to be a little nicer, is that so hard.
  12. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    How about your go through and re-read your simple posts ... not being truley clear on what you are asking. As you see I was not the only one who was wondering what you were asking.

    Oh really? If you did you [bold]would[/bold] have been more clear on what your were asking.

    No ... have no idea what your talking about :)

    I was being nice ... I could've banned you :)
  13. andyman0

    andyman0 Guest

    Well said flip218.I`m not sure why but gr689 seems to have been offended in some way.gr689 you should be happy with the replys you`ve had.The first time i asked for i asked for help i got a grand total of 0 replies.Even though i`m a nebie on here i`ve been ripping for quite sometime and i`ve asked questions on various other sites and some of the replies i`ve had have more or less said F**k off and help yourself.No doubt there are people on here that are the same but from what i have read and posted all anyone wants to do is help.Even the mod,who as stated could quite easily have banned you.So ,chill out enjoy your stay and yes be specific,this way we can all help and in the long run maybe we will all learn my friend.
  14. gr689

    gr689 Guest

  15. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Are you asking for something else?
  16. gr689

    gr689 Guest

    Don't you have something better to do? Like come down on some newbie that didn't ask his question properly enough for you? Law enforcement might have suited you well, cause you sound like a cop.
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