Hello people Yes i am new, so bear with me, and keep the jargon V basic, please!! I am now geeting into the word of dvd. i have read many useful forums about ripping and burning, the plus/minus of dvd shrink or xcopy. all very helpful. But my question is Can i download movies from a site, i don't mind paying per movie, but can i then copy them from my HD to a disc to keep a copy and then delete it from my HD? Many thanks
You most certainly can. Of course I suspect the movie you download will be an AVI file rather than a bunch of VOBs (otherwise you would be downloading 4+ GB as oppsed to 700-1400 MB) Once you have the files, if you want to keep them in AVI format, just burn them to a DataDVD as you would a CD. If you want DVD video then you will have to encode the AVI to the approrpiate DVD files. There are guides under the 'Guides' section (hehe) for doing that.