I turned on my computer today and it said "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt C:\windows\system32\config\system" and I fixed the problem by using Microsoft's Help & Support link http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;307545 After I got that fixed, I went to My Computer and all of my files were missing. Before all of this, I was using 60gb of my hardrive and right now, it still says the same thing. All of my Program Files are still there with all the programs I originally had installed but none of them work. I will probably have to re-install them. Also, in Add/Remove Programs, my printer is the only thing showing up, after I just got done re-installing it. How can I get all of my files back that were in My Documents and do I have to re-install of my programs?
did you do the system restore and if so how far back did you restore? I think you will have to reinstall all of your programs though because it sounds like you have began with a completely new registry again i think so although your program files are there they will not be registered. And have you looked for your my documents files by browsing the hd? eg C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents
go into your my documents and settings directory on the c:\ drive in the command prompt and see if your files are still there....post back...
I used a program called GetDataBack and it recovered all my files. I then put the files I needed on a cd and then did a fresh install of Windows XP. I re-installed most of my programs I originally had and everythings good now. Thanks for replying back.
you could probably have saved everything a different way than that but sometimes a fresh install is a good choice
to save stuff the other ways, u really need to be experienced in doing it, as u may have to go around certain thing to save them....and as always a lot of patience....
It happened again. The same file was stated as missing or corrupted. Am I having bad luck or could it be a hardware problem, like my hard drive or anything else?
I don't have another hd at the time, but I did what I did before and then did a System Restore to yesterday and now everything works good and all of my files are still here.