Hello, I have the evo 3d and would sometimes like to upload screenshots of conversations for laughs online and what not but without having the phonenumbers displayed when looking at corresponding messages. So, is there an easy way to hide the phone numbers of my contacts when looking at my messages?
if your uploading the conversations as picture files might be able to crop the image to skip the phone number or photoshop the number out.
Yeah i know but i was looking for something simpler like "hide contact number" yes! Or something.... Because apparently it only displays the number for a contact that I have multiple ways of contacting them e.g. mobile, home, email ect. But for contacts that i just have one way of contacting them it doesn't show the phone numbers.... It's annoying.
Screenshots are jpegs.. so use something simple like Gimp2 and just paint over them.. I wonder what your "contacts" think about you breaching their message privacy.
My friends are pretty conceited so I think they'd love it if their "words" were put on a pedestal for public display. lol But really, I was looking for something with less steps. Because I was intending this to be a quick thing I'd do, like screenshoot the phone and quickly upload the image somewhere.