Hello my goods friends, Happy July 4. I was just wondering if their was a way to keep some of the trial software I get just alittle longer than a week like some of gives you. The reason I say this is because between work and just life sometimes I can't devote that much time to just working on the software but still want to get familiar with it. If not I understand but if so please help out.
dickeyjay The only way to keep it longer, legally, is to buy it. AD does not allow discussion of obtaining software illegally. Why not wait until you have time to play with the software before you download it.
and programs with cracks usally dont work well in the long run. anyway programs like anydvd have lifetime updates and you pay one time so you will probably have time to learn the program since you will have a LIFETIME. dont you think
some programs also don't work right when using a cracked copy. I believe anydvd to be one of them. Many ppl have weird problems with it that I think revolve around illegal copies.
Thanks, I might as well just do best I can. I don't know what a crack is so thats probably for the best. Thanks anyway....Peace.