i just sofmod my xbox,and i got alot of burn games on dvd+ it seem the xbox cant play it is there anyway i can play this burn games if it how plz i only have the orignal gb come with the xbox i run evox thank you
Your DVD drive might not be able to read DVD+R. Try using some Verbatim DVD-R and see if you have better results. Either that or you're just burning it completely wrong.
sorry to bother you guys again just wondring what mide be the best software to burn it,i just test burn memorex dvd- but it wont burn its say error hope verbatim dvd- will work i have the nero 7 thanks again
As much as I don't like Memorex, you shouldn't have gotten an error with it. Try using ImgBurn like theridges suggested and let us know if you have any problems.
seem like my dvd burner cant read dvd- for some reason,i am using a usb 2.0 maddog dvd burner since my laptop dont have dvd burner, everything work fine when i burn dvd+ but not dvd- with memorex and others i try imgburn nero it keep saying *llegal disk* not yet try Verbatim DVD-R any idea sorry for bother you folks just new this kind stuff thats all thanks again for all the help