can i uninstall window if i did fat32 before

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by dcgirl, Feb 20, 2003.

  1. dcgirl

    dcgirl Guest

    i used to have window 95.. but i had to fdisk in order to have a new operating system when i installed window 98. After i partition my computer i installed window 98 realized i didnt like it much so i installed window me. Right now.. i want to uninstalled window me and reinstall it back in.. and i heard that i have to format my drive first. i was wondering does window me has a format option in it.. so when i reinstall it.. it does the format for me ?
  2. AIDEN

    AIDEN Guest

    windows me doesnt do format on its own. you have to do this in dos

    boot up from your floppy ( startup disk )
    select start computer without cdrom support
    when you get the a: you type

    format c:

    then click y and enter

    depending on the size of your hard drive you could be waiting for 10 to 50 minutes

    when it finished formatting press enter again
    now type


    same as above but this time start computer with cdrom support

    when you get the a: type ?:
    the ? being your cdrom
    then type

    setup and press enter

    the rest is straight forward and will tell you as it goes along

  3. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    you'd be better off sticking with Win98 instead of going with that pathetic excuse for an OS WinME.. Just a thought.. save yourself the headaches of dealing with WinME
  4. dcgirl

    dcgirl Guest

    thanks for ur help.. win98 can't recognize some hardwares on my pc.. that's why i had to used WinMe, i guess my pc parts are too old.
  5. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    Win98 wouldnt recognize some of your puter's components but WinME would? Umm did you get the correct drivers for Win98 for your puter's components? Win98 tends to be picky about what version drivers are installed for the OS to recognize a particular hardware components: eg : CD drives, DVD drives, Webcams, scanners and printers.

    All in all if you are happy with WinME by all means rock on.. Helpful advice for future use : if you do decide to reinstall Win98, make sure you get the correct drivers for your hardware. Most hardware vendor's sites will have a download section for specific drivers

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