mods feel free to post if this is inappropriate. Got into a shouting match today with some arse on another site. They flamed up my post & i decided to skewer them like a man should. so here is what I do in my free time on political science boards. "Now THAT'S a good one. Here's what says a stalker is. The Crowing should take special note (the FBI will be asking Gala these things....): "stalk2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (stôk) v. stalked, stalk·ing, stalks v. intr. To walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait: stalked off in a huff. To move threateningly or menacingly. To track prey or quarry. v. tr. To pursue by tracking stealthily. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement. To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry." No I'm not stalking you. I'm using your posts about yourself, so others can see what kind of PERSON you are. So people can see what a self-hating shitlife your existence is on this planet. Listen, honey. If you can't take the heat stay out of MY FIRE. Now post some nice poems on Creative & stop running your goddamn mouth about mine. Five words: "Totally-Erotic Lesbian Orgasmic Sex" With the way you act toward MEN, I wonder if you've ever had an ex of yours break your car windows out. You certainly have man HATER written all over your face. I know the type. Go get some dick & stop running your mouth here. GO. " and that is........what happens when i get pissed off.
The alleged idea of the "Safety Valve" is to "vent" your feelings on (insert bad thing here). But, I've seen posts taken down that shouldn't have been just because a mod doesn't like it, even though they fell under the whole "vent" part. *shrug* Also, arguing on the internet is really.. really stupid. I know people say stupid shit all the time on boards. But, keep in mind they only say it online because they know they could never get away with it in person. (which is why nerds at *cons don't beat eachother up, even though they talk so much trash in forums.). So, just sit back and know that even though they say stupid things online, they're most likely afriad of you and would never say it in person.
does this make you feel better, because it doesnt show you in a good light Jallan is right , people wouldnt do this if they spoke to you face to face but have more courage as they are sitting in front of a screen and can type to there hearts content anything that comes to mind, whether its crap or not
Jallan said: I know that, and just wanted to make them more angry to get themselves banned The Internet provides so many good things but also bad things. I wish the bad things would go away *cheers* /lights one up with Niobis
lets clarify something here, we do NOT involve personal likes or dislikes in what we do here (the mods). If it is going to start a flaming mess, tread into political waters, or just piss a bunch of people off, then we close it. If you come in "venting" about a member or members of this site, chances are it might get closed. we have our reasons for what we do, but it's very very rare that any mod will judge anything here based on personal issues. if you disagree please find me links to the threads in question. If i cant find a legit reason they were closed, i will reopen them. and by all means feel free to vent, thats what this area is for as long as it's done in good taste.
So this is a good place to go to blow off steam about other sites? And general GF/BF/boss/school problems? That's cool.
sure no problem, people do it all the time. just as long as it follows the rules and is just blowing off some steam, sure no problem. everyone needs to blow their top once in a while. if something seems like others might get offended, just put a note or somehting in the post saying it's not directed at anyone here or you're not trying to be an bumhole and just venting, then no one should have a problem with it. if they do, let me know. be prepared though, sometimes when people vent, others tend to chime in with their opinion on the matter as well, but thats all part of venting in public i suppose.
I remember Toiletmans' threads with affection, most entertaining. Lots of swear words, marvellous! Oh, where is he now? I have noticed, of late, that even in the safety valve, mild swearing is frowned upon. Sigh...
bottled up anger usually leads to violent ends. so hearing a few cuss words or mindless ranting sure beats a body count anyday.
are you getting sarcastic ddp?... or is this safety valve just not enough to vent your frustrations? lol
me being sarcastic, never!!! i'm thinking of spammers' & foul mouth idiots' bodies in the body count.
i see. you're still fighting the war on spam. i think you're never gonna see the end of that war. but good luck anyway.
Creaky and I spoke about that a couple of weeks ago; I had gone back to read the old threads from when the site had been pretty new ... I was astonished at the language (I would never use such language lol!) ddp: were there some sort of complaints or trouble that happened as a consequence back then?