Can mp3s be backed up to dvd for storage and playback?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by snowgoose, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. snowgoose

    snowgoose Guest


    just wondering whether mp3s can be backed up to dvd media for playback?


  2. Bodene

    Bodene Regular member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    Yup. Last weekend I burnt around 700 mp3's onto a DVD+R using Nero 6. Took me like.....10 minutes to burn a little under 3gigs of music.

    All you have to do is burn the mp3 files onto a dvd disk with your burning software in data mode, the same way you'd create a cdr mp3 backup disk. You can even play the mp3's from the dvdr disk on yer puter, just like on a cdr.

    However, as far as I know, no car stereo players will play mp3's that are on a dvdr except for a kenwood I recently heard about. Tiz a high dollar player tho, so I doubt many folks have them.

    Hope this helps.

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