Hi I was wondering if anybody could tell me the requierments to play call of duty modern warfare. I dont completely understand my hardware settings this what what they look like. They are rated Processor: 4.7 Memory (RAM): 4.5 Graphics: 3.0 Gaming graphics: 3.2 Primary hard disk: 5.1 I also know that I have 1014 mb of ram and im not sure about the video card, thanks.
Or, instead of bothering with that, you can just go here. http://cyri.systemrequirementslab.com/srtest/ That site goes over your system, checks for the minimum, and recommended requirements, and lets you know. Just install the plug-in real quick, and check it out.
The manufactuer is Toshiba and in the settings it says its model is notebook and its 32 bit if that makes a difference. Also I recently updated to directx 10
yeh I was I checked out the site u gave me but unfortunatly everything passed exept the systems speed so I cant play the game it was just under the first line but thanks 4 your help anyway.
Also I have this game called Colin Mcrae dirt but it doesent let me play because my video card doesent have T&L (transform and lighting) the graphics are good enough and everything. So is there a way of downloading the T&L or something all games need it!!!