I installed a Lite on Dvd.R/w drive recently. Whenever I get ready to burn using Nero I either get a time out error, or an insert blank disc, even after I insert a new disc. I tried using the two blank ones that came with the drive, and several others that I have purchased. Being as it is a cd/r also, i tried to burn a cd, but still the same problem. I have tried a few other programs, but still have the same problem. The drive does read discs fine. I am using WInXP P. I did install this myself, so I'm Thinking maybe I didnt hook something up right. Any help will be appreciated.
Are you saying when you put any blank media in the drive it gives you that error or when you are trying to use nero?
I get an error when I put in media using Nero, but I tried antoher program, Record Now I think and got the same type of error.
If you haven't already, it'd be a good idea to cover the basics first. 1) Ensure that DMA is enabled for your drive. Here's a link: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/storage/IDE-DMA.mspx 2) Install/update your ASPI following this guide: http://www.hazza.dsl.pipex.com/faq.htm#ASPI 3) Update the firmware for your drive. http://forum.rpc1.org/portal.php Other points would be to make sure the jumper setting on your drive is correct and that your burner is set to master on it's IDE. Also some people have run into problems when using a 40 wire cable for their burner so switching to an 80 wire cable may help.
Thanks for your help. I got it working. I think it was conflicting with my CD R drive. I unplugged the CD and just used the DVD and it works fine. Now I just need to figure out what the problem was and if it can be resolved.