Can not play Freedomland in my dvd player

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by mark18, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. mark18

    mark18 Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    I always make back up copies of DVDs i purcased before i play them in my home dvd player. I am very cautious person. Recently, i backed up Capote, An Inconvenient Truth, Freedom Writers by using
    RipIt4Me + DVD Decrypter (read)+ DVD Shrink + DVD Decrypter (write)
    all played perfectly fine in my home dvd player which is Sanyo DVD-9501 player. Then i purchased Freedomland. I did back up copy as always but my backup copy won't play in my home dvd player, basically dvd player freezes. I have to turn off/on the take disk out. It plays perfectly fine in my pc's dvd player. Original DVD plays both in my pc's and home DVD players. I live in Japan so i purchased in Japan this DVD. Actually all my DVDs are purchased in Japan so far i did not have any problem to make back up copies and watch them in my home DVD player, well until now. Any thoughts what could be wrong.
  2. mark18

    mark18 Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    I forgot to mention. After my 1st backup copy did not play in my DVD player, I made a 2nd back up copy in case something was wrong with the first backup disk.
  3. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    what type of blank media? TDK perhaps? and no paper labels on the dvd right?
  4. mark18

    mark18 Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    It is maxell and no paper label on the disk. But i did back up over 100 DVDs with this brand name blank media.

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