Discussion in 'Audio' started by SIREN2008, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. SIREN2008

    SIREN2008 Guest

    There are any software to check for codec of window media player? I only play wma extention and don't know why, it played ok last couple month, please give info. Thank you
  2. tripplite

    tripplite Guest
    GSPOT will tell you what codecs are installed on your computer,

    i suggest updating windows media player

    if you have more then one codec pack installed then that could be your issue, codec packs tend to interfere with each other, by far the most complete and most popular codec pack is the k-lite pack, its the only codec pack you'll need

    can you tell us is it an mp3, or wma that you are playing, because they are two different things.
    do you play your WMA's by opening the direct file(s) or do you open them through the library on WMP?
    what if any codec packs do you have installed?
    have you always been able to play these WMA files or are they new?
    does WMP windows media player give you an error, if so what is it?

    if you launch the music through WMP make sure you didn't change the original file location of the music files, if WMP goes to the source folder and doesn't find them it wont play anything!

    btw: if your playing WMA files then you dont need codecs from anywhere WMP supports them by default


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