I bought an R4DS card and now I want to get a M3 Lite Perfect for the extra features. Can I use the R4DS as the Passcard 3 and save $20, or do I need to buy a Passcard 3 with the M3 Lite? Thanks for the help!
This is a very good question. For some reason I want to "yes" seeing as both the M3DSS and R4(DS) are clones. Anyone out there willing to give a firm answer?
No, I mean the R4(DS) should act as a Passcard 3. In the older R4(DS) and M3 DS Simply adapters you could solder (or desolder, depending on which of the two you have) two points together to convert between either adapter. It is my belief that (de)soldering only modifies the firmware used but the hardware Pass function remains the same. More about this conversion is available in mr hanky's M3 DS Simply Guide.
I will see if it is not too late to cancel my order and place a new one for the M3S instead since I don't know much about soldering or have tools to do it. I get the feeling I am too late though, so if someone knows about the R4DS and can respond, I'd appreciate it.
hold it! i'm certain the r4 works like the simply, there are forums full of people (elsewhere) that would confirm this. i mean, even the skins are the same (which means the "boot slot-2" aka 'passme' button will work the same). also, the firmware releases have the same updates. th r4 just has releases first.