I can run the internet in safe mode, but not in regular windows. does anyone have any suggestions as to how i can fix this? i had the same thing happen with my laptop, but it ended up frying itself for another reason, i would really like to salvage this desktop for the time being, so any help is appreciated, thanks guys. BTW I use a cable internet connection.
I bet its your firewall, for example if its a Zone Alarm firewall, if you are recieving a tonne of "attacks" the firewall shut's off all internet access, nothing comes in, nothing comes out. What firewall do you have??
Random thought here. I have never actually payed any attention to this, but the thought crossed my mind. If you have a static IP set in normal mode, when you reboot in safe mode does it switch it to DHCP? That may be part of the 'safe mode' criteria. Just a thought. ~Rich
Virus. Worm. or ad software these all cause the same problem also. run a virus check also do you connect to the cable mdm using usb or ethernet. The usb drivers could be corrupt.It happened to me yesterday.