can some one help me plz

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Asnlovetx, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. Asnlovetx

    Asnlovetx Guest

    i downloaded a movie that was leagally downloaded of course, but when i try to burn it they tell me i need a Video_TS .IFO and a Video_TS.BUP. How do i aquire these two files for my movie.

    PLZ Respond.
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    IFOEdit will make those files for you :)
  3. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    We need to change it from what it is to your vob files in a VIDEO_TS folder so that you can burn it.

    What format is it in now ?

  4. Asnlovetx

    Asnlovetx Guest

    i already used TMPGEnc to get a Video_TS folder. and i got the audio file and the movie itself seperated. I just need the Video_TS.IFO and Video_TS.BUP accorrding to nero.
  5. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    You are 1/2 there. You needto run the file that you have through TMPGEnc DVD Author where it will be in the correct format to feed to Nero OR any other burner you wish to use.

    No sweat though, it's not as long as it was when you had to render it through TMPGEnc.


    and keep flaming on :)


  6. Asnlovetx

    Asnlovetx Guest

    thanks guys. now i got all the files ineeded but when i finish burning it and try to play it on a stand alone player it works for 2 sec and freezes and if i try to play it in my computer the sound is screwed up and all weird. whats wrong?

    i appreciate everbodys responding
  7. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    What brand of media are you using ?

  8. Asnlovetx

    Asnlovetx Guest

    im using memorex DVD-r
  9. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Thats probably the problem Memorex is usually not very good media.

    Try Ritek G-04 "branded" (Ridata) or Verbatim "Datatlife" top notch stuff.
  10. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Memorex as an excellent example as media goes, figures as high as 50% coasters have been reported (One member bought a stack of 50 and got 23 good burns.), not what I would call an impressive record. There are 4 different companies that manufacture Memorex BTW and product quality varies widely as you might imagine. Easy to see now why the quality of a big-named company can’t be trusted - “ Who’s making your Memorex tonight ?” Note: Memorex in the singles, 5 or 10 pack, as a rule, cause less problem than those Memorex sold in bulk BUT they still aren't recommended for DVD backups.

    Is it just Memorex ? No ! I just used Memorex as an example., Princo, Orange Pack and many Ritek and Verbatim discs aren’t suitable as a DVD backup media – that’s why we are specific in the type of media we are recommending.

    1. * Cheap media freezes, skips, pixelats and may refuse to be recognized :-(
    Besides "Freezing", "skips" and pixelations, many times you’ll get a “Cyclic Redundancy error” or an "I/O error". This message can mean that your discs are scratched or dirty, it can also mean that your burner won’t accept your “cheap” media :-(
    Another problem which “pops up” is a “*Power Calibration Error”. This can stop you right in your tracks and most often is caused by, Yep, you guessed it, inexpensive media.
    *A “Power Calibration Error” can also be attributed to the Optical Components of a DVD Writer, though this isn’t usually the case. Trying to shut down your software and ejecting your DVD then restarting your program and re-inserting the same media recently cleaned has been known to help.

    Inexpensive media or even average media is great for text, Data, Spreadsheets, .Jpg and .Gif pictures and is good even for MP3 music BUT for DVD backups - BLAaaaaaT! It SUCKTH in an extremely Big-th way !

    What we are suggesting is to download this DVD Identifier to find out who manufactured your DVD and if it's a good quality.

    Once you have your disc identified, click the "More information" icon and see what information you're given. if you're not sure of the quality, come on back and we'll check it out for you -

    2. A good grade, Hi-quality media is needed for DVD reproduction !
    RiData, Sony, “Branded” Ritek G04's or "Branded" Verbatim Data Life and Verbatim DataLife plus are among the better discs we’re looking for OR any media boasting “Advanced Metal AZO.” – BUT it must say “METAL” AZO !, this indicates a superior dye application, while they are sometimes a bit “pricey” they are just the type of media we're looking for to do our DVD backups.
    Prices online from have gotten Ritek G04 starting at about a $ .45 (USD) a disc -
    Question - If you make coasters out of 3 cheap or even average discs and good copies from 3 RiData, Ritek, Sony or Verbatim discs - which ones then will you say are too expensive ? The 3 “Cheapo’s with no movie backup OR, the 3 recommended discs with a perfect backup on each disc ?

    Bear in mind, Memorex, Orange Pack, Princo and others are quite good for your MP3 music, picture archives, Spread sheets, Data and your text backups and archives, they just don’t work well for DVD backups. Even DataSafe G04’s made by Ritek have been reported as an inferior quality media and are evoking that “Oh no, I shouldn’t have gotten those.”
    Remember, for DVD backups, purchasing inexpensive media or even average media is a gamble, some people win, the majority of people lose, varying amounts varying amounts, true but, they still lose :-(

    Using good grade media can guarantee you one thing to an absolute certainty; it surely cannot hurt.

    BTW, In an effort to clear the air, when I speak of "Cheap" or "Inexpensive" media, I'm not referring to the price you pay at the counter - I'm referring to the type of composite some manufactures use, their method of dye application and the lack of OR the poor quality control used during manufacturing. when I say "Branded" that means that when you pick up a disc in your hand, it says "Ritek" or "RiData" on the disc itself. The monetary cost of the media we recommend many times is cheaper than that you are buying now.


  11. Asnlovetx

    Asnlovetx Guest

    thank you. but besides from freezing when i put it into my computer it works but the sound is screwed up do you think its the same prob
  12. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I'm not sure what you want -

    I don't know how else to put it, Memorex is great for data but for DVD Video it's crap.

    Burn on my friend and tell yourself Memorex is super - What's a little freezing and no audio ? Flame on -


    Cheers -
  13. Asnlovetx

    Asnlovetx Guest

    thank you all for responding

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