Can some one help me with my dic drive issue

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by jokaankit, Aug 1, 2006.

  1. jokaankit

    jokaankit Member

    Jul 31, 2006
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    I have a hard modded xbox(chip:aladdin no idea what version,software: evox 2.5 slayer auto installer) that works fine but lately the dvd rom hasnt been able to read any disks, or im getn the dirty disc error screen. So i bought a new phillips drive and i placed it into my xbox. The led on the middle of my xbox flashes green and red and i get the error meessage saying that i should send my xbox to customer support in green. I'm guessing i have to back every thing up from my xbox hdd to my pc. Then re-install evox and then dump every thing back to my xbox hdd.the IDE cable and the yellow cable are secure but is there a flash that i can use so I dont have to re-modd my xbox with evox. I had a thompson and swithched to a philips, and my thompson was in my xbox at the time I moddded it. The error number on the top left of the screen is 08. I'm sure all cabbles are connected properly. But do I have to do any thing to re-flash my xbox or do i have to back every thing up then load evox again. Is that what I have to do, If you have any idea what I'm doing wrong or suggestions to help me plz reply. THX for reading.
  2. BlkMagic1

    BlkMagic1 Active member

    Jun 19, 2006
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    what number is the code on the top right of the message

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