hi my starview box has been playing up keeps scrambling or saying updating i went to do auto scan and now cant get lanuage box to go of still have no stations and kids going mad help anybody please
Choose English > Installation Choose N*L Automatic Scan Press OK Exit Menu 1570 Turn EMU key ON Exit , exit , exit If you need the latest codes they can be found in the link at the bottom of my post called Starview problems.
hi scouser thanks but did the auto scan still all failed then tried to exit just brought me straight bk to instalationthen to lanuage then wont let me get to main menu or even to tv??
Turn the box off and on from the back switch and then go to installation, press it and select English and go through above instruction. You do know that there was a recently code change if you are from the UK.
im in dublin ireland turned it of from bk and plugged it out when i turn it bk on language comes straight bk on nothing else tried to exit it wont let me im hopeless at all this lol
Check the N*L incoming cable is plugging in tight in the "Cable Input" port Then > Choose English > Installation Choose N*L Automatic Scan Let it search for channels 176 channels found ETC Press OK Exit , exit , exit
got it at last thanks alot 164 stations just hope it wont keep updating or scrambling and coming bk very annoying anyway thanks alot