Can store bought dvr's bypass 5c protection?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by mikej3131, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    I have been capturing a bit of SD television with my motorola comcast dvr box to my computers pc. Yesterday i went to go capture a show on nfl channel in hi def and it didnt work because of 5c copy protection.

    Well i was wondering if any store bought dvr's would let me record and maybe even capture this 5c protected video onto my PC.
  2. DaveTV

    DaveTV Guest

    is 5c the same filter or signal used with commercial DVDs for copy right you know ??????

    i have recorded on my TiVo NFL and even superbowls...........but when i just tried to record to a new HDD DVR i said [cannot record].....but the same movie was on TV / satilite and recorded no prob.

    are using your PC or DVR ?

    cuz i think the filter is inside the box or in the sure TiVo works because they were designed to......just think all who are pissed off for that, the advertisers and hollywood etc. it has recorded everything i ever asked, i do wish i could edit the comercial out....but that might be asking too much........

    i am curious if that SIMA GoDVD $79 device will fix my problem, but for that price you could by a cheap DVR and it would most likely work fine.....stuff for PC might not be designed to record certain TV shows

  3. bobsatguy

    bobsatguy Member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    are you using componet video or hdmi? hdmi has that type of copy rite, my understanding is componet (RGB) does not, but that type of hi def is analog & requires a digital convergance @ the TV. bob
  4. DaveTV

    DaveTV Guest

    no im not close to HD anything so it must be 'component'.

    the issue thats being overlooked the one new element to the equasion the Mustek DVR from germany.........i have tried 5 other brand DVRs that all accepted the signal from my TiVo, the reason i returned them was they didn't play DVDs recorded by other units, but had no prob getting media into hem.

    keep in mind the problem signal comes ONLY from the TiVo...NOT from the directTV you say just use it direct problem solved.....OK this is what happens in my test.

    TiVo = i see a program in the guide i want to REC and BOOM its fact i could load probably 10 shows within 1 minute.

    new DVR HDD = just like an old VCR, i need to input / DATE/ START TM/ END TM/ source/ CHANNEL/ rec quality / destination/ >>>>>>> and this damn unit won't let me input 2 programs in a 12 hour period.....that just sux

    this whole things sux...its a step back, the 1st priority is to build my DVD library with quality movies, that helps me justify spending all the money on a TV least i have something to show for it, the HDD is cool cuz i have a FW DVcam.....but that what my MAC is for so this is just a novelty, yes im being super picky, but it frustrates me to no end that 1 unit can't give me all that i need. The ILO HDD 04 did but was made cheaply i suspect and had too many returns. You see my dilema, idealy my TiVo is my main recorder and the HDD is there for overflow as well as burning discs so they need to work in tandem, there is a Humax TiVo that burns...BUT i would need to pay for a new service plan, NO WAY, now i need to either buy a new cheap DVR or that SIMA GoDVD (at least i could copy DVDS and it may fix this prob) but thats just it...WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL WORK.......thats one reason i hate to order online, now i have to re-ship this back, what would you do ? keep gear that only does part of what you need....i wonder since it has Firewire if i could use like a HD memory....also how many movies have this hidden signal, i wouldn't be surprised if over time they ALL have it, but the question remains....why can the TiVo record it in the first olace.....time to talk w/ tivo tek support.

    thanx for letting me vent.
  5. dblbogey7

    dblbogey7 Guest

    To answer mikej3131's question:

    The PC is not a 5c compliant device so the answer to your question is no. However, D-VHS decks are so you can can record 5c enabled channels to a D-VHS deck.

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