Can the R4 Permanently Damage an NDSL?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by bifdydil, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. bifdydil

    bifdydil Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Pardon my ignorance with this topic as I am fairly new to all this...however, I was testing a couple of newly acquired R4s on my son's 4mth old NDSL. I have had a little bit of trouble in the past with 'no cartridge inserted' errors but found if I try a couple of times and turn the NDSL on and off, it eventually discovers there is a cartridge in there. However today this happened and the whole unit switched off. I thought it must have needed charging but when I plugged it in to charge the charging light came on for only a second before switching off. The NDSL will no longer turn on or charge. I tried using an original game cartridge but it didn't make any difference. I also tried a new 'charge' cable (as I have some new NDSLs put away for Xmas) and the same thing happened - the light comes on for a second then turns off. Would this be a NDSL hardware fault or could it have been caused by the R4. I have 4 kids getting NDSL's for Xmas and hesitate in giving them the R4's if they are going to permanently damage the NDSL. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    It's more likely that your NDSL slot-1 cartridge was marginal BEFORE you introduced the R4.

    I have used 10 different slot-1 carts in 20 different Nintendos and have never had a problem except when slot-1 had been mangled by a previous owner.
  3. bifdydil

    bifdydil Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Thanks so much for your reply - I tend to agree with you... The retailer exchanged for a new one, so all is good!
  4. bifdydil

    bifdydil Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Just a follow up to my original question...I gave the R4 that seemingly brought my NDS Lite down to a friend - thinking that the fault lay in the NDS Lite and not the R4. Her NDS Lite went down in exactly the same way with that particular R4. Her NDS Lite was also under warranty but had to be sent back to Nintendo. It was returned fixed with the explanation that it was a 'fuse' problem. FYI
  5. woof811

    woof811 Regular member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    i would well recommend throwing the faulty r4ds away and not risk it on any more nds`s .

    there was a problem in the past with the n5ds blowing fuses on the ds and so your r4ds could be doing the same .

    in the past the original r4ds was fine for me bought loads for friends and family but it isnt supported anymore and all the fakes and clones being sold isnt helping as they arent as well built so could risk blowing fuses on the ds.

    also there are that many versions of firmware for that many versions of r4ds that they can be an absolute nightmare to set up .

    personally i would buy a well supported flashcart thats well built and supports sdhc memory ie , cyclo ds , edge ds , m3ds real , acekard , supercard sd one etc..................

  6. bifdydil

    bifdydil Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    thanks for your comment and yes I sent the R4 back to where I purchased it from and they replaced it. Quick question though - can you use the R4ultra kernel on the R4sdhc?

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