Maybe , but why would ya wana Seriously im sure you can but have never used anything else. Is there a reason your not wanting to use Nero?
there are multiple programs to burn with. Nero and recordnow get the most support from users in this forum but other programs have their supporters also.
Others users have success with the following: Recordnowmax Recordnow DX Nero 5 Nero 6 Anydvd Clonedvd Roxio 6 There are loads more to choose from, but ALL people have usually encountered a slight problem in one form or another, usually the commonist being unreliable media (cheap).... I started out using Nero, but encountered compatibility issues regularly aswell as unfinalised burns.... I switched to Recordnow DX, and never looked back - simple to use and so far no issues encountered...... You will find that people have success with ALL of the above and have various methods that work, so you may have a problem with one particular software - others will not..... Best thing is to trial some proggies, test and find which one suits you with your brand of media and go with it...... Just because one proram works for others does not necessarily mean it will work for you.... Hope this helps.....