have you tried just changing the extention from .dmg to .iso that might work (make sure you have a back up of the file just incase) if that doesn't work go here http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/ then click on the win32 binary link hope this helps RavenLife
you seem to have left some links out -RavenLife- http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20040121135301830
lol yeh sorry about that here is the link http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/ click on the win32 binarly link I have never used this program so i don't know if its any good. i'd est it for you but i don't have any .dmg files
did you try just changing it to .iso i doubt if it will work but its worth a try. if not go here http://www.acutesystems.com you can download a free trial software - 20 days or so. try this out. again i havn't tested this software as i do not have a .dmg file