If you have a bunch of back ups on an R4 like super mario brothers, can you still play wi fi?? Or will it not let you play multiplayer with back ups??
Mario Brothers rom has known issues which doesn't allow multi player with a single cart, but if both have the cart/rom then it will work fine.
When you say multiplayer with a single cartridge... do you mean the cartridge with the backup? or the original?? are there other games that have issues playing off of a backup with one cartridge/rom?
Sorry, i wasn't clear. super mario brothers Multiplayer download play with a Single R4/M3 cart with rom loaded = Will not work super mario brothers Multiplayer download play with Single original cart = Will work super mario brothers Multiplayer with multi R4/M3 Cart with rom loaded = Will work There are a few roms that download play on a single cart doesn't work, Mario Kart, Super Mario Bros. and a few others, but the majority of games work fine.
yeah you cant really do download play with downloaded roms unless both ds has r4. at least, i think that's what i remember reading. i know if you trim the roms you definitely cannot