can we overwrite it? i mean, i can only transfer 3 edisope to vcd but i was wondering if we can add more file? is there any software or anything we can download?
As in my other response, it's limited by file size. The only way to fit more is to encode at a lower bitrate but quality takes a hit. As long as you think the quality is decent, try to fit as many as you can. (As long as the total file size does not exceed 805 MB.) Personally, when I used CD-R's, I also found that 3 eps were about the max. Any more and the quality was too horrible.
Another thing you can do is use a video file editor to edit out the stuff you don't want to watch; i.e. commercials, ending credits, and the show's opening theme (which is the same for every show - why write it to the disk 3 times?).