Can WinXP be on two hard-drives

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by John375, Oct 29, 2003.

  1. John375

    John375 Guest

    Have two hard-drives, one a 36GB SCSI and the other a 250GB Serial ATA . . . Can one have WinXP Pro installed on both hard-drives.

    I intend to use the WinXP on the SCSI HD as the main system. . But would like a fall back WinXP on the other SATA hard-drive. . . The 250GB SATA hard-drive will ultimately be partitioned and used mostly for data storage. . . I have both WinXP's now installed, but with only one drive connected at a time. . . Not sure it will work when I try to connect both drives. . My first attempt at simultaneously using both hard-drives did not work

  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    You can have WXP installed on both drives although the copy on the nonbooting drive wont matter worth shit... as far as the active OS is concerned... the other copy of windows is just a bunch of files.
  3. John375

    John375 Guest

    Are you telling me that I will not be able to boot into the second hard drive. .

    Right now I have WinXP on both HD's. . Both are powered-up. . I am booted into WinXP on the first (SCSI) HD, and from there can access both WinXP's. . . But I can not boot into the WinXP on the second (SATA) HD. . I am looking at BootStar boot-manager which seems to indicate that WinXP on two HD's is not a problem
  4. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    With a bootloader you can choose which one you want to boot to (although it seems entirely pointless). Just make sure that the bootloader is installed on the harddrive that will be booted by BIOS. If you install the bootloader elsewhere it will just be a bunch of files.

    Without a bootloader, to swich back and forth between the OS's you need to swtich which drive has boot priority in the BIOS.
  5. John375

    John375 Guest

    . . . "you need to swtich which drive has boot priority in the BIOS". . .

    Thanks, had not thought about the Bios change.
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    NP but it wont matter much... as long you install the bootloader to the drive that has hardware-level preference you will be fine.

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