can you backup a new computer game?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by maddawg4, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. maddawg4

    maddawg4 Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    I have two laptops in two different locations. I have some computer games that i want to play on both but dont want to carry the disc with me everytime.

    Can i make a backup disc for one location? What program do i use?

    For example i have Fallout 3 and want to put it on both laptops.
  2. onya

    onya Guest

    Fallout3 has SecuROM 7.38.0006 protection..according to alcohol 120%. I believe it has a trial period so is well worth a look. There are others on the market but 120% is one of the better ones in my opinion.

  3. maddawg4

    maddawg4 Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    Thanks. I am totally new to this so i need a little more detail.

    Alcohol 120% is a program that you use to get rid of the decryption?

    Do you need a certain program to burn the disc?
  4. onya

    onya Guest

    120% has it's own burning engine and deals with the game from go to whoa. The steps are easy to follow and understand, there's even an on board manual to guide you through if you get stuck at some point.

    You would do well to hear what others recommend by the way, but 120 is my weapon of choice. Make sure you buy good brand CD's or DVD's, this is critical. Buy rubbish and you'll get rubbish back.

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