I have got a dvd with footage of my baby on it and would like convert it to a format that I can e-mail to friends, but as you guessed I don't have a clue what to do. I would also like to be able to edit out some of the movie but again I am clueless
Maybe, if you have a Microsoft application that makes the conversion, you can try to create WMV (Windows Media Video) videos, choosing the options so you'll get a small (and not huge) quality. WMV can reach less than average quality (so it's not used for movies), but can have a smaller file size (the usual trade-off = quality / file size). The mpeg quality is, instead, determined by the choice (mpeg-1 [VCD] - Constant Bit Rate [1150 kbps] or mpeg-2 [SVCD, DVD] - Variable Bit Rate, which is used for high quality (and BIG, > 2000 kbps, movies). But the question is bad named: is not' DVD to mpeg ' but 'obtaining small videos'. And, alas, WMV cannot be seen by a DVD player.
I would open that VOB file of DVD with Womble MPEG-VCR, then I select segment using Mark In and Mark Out and save it as MPEG-1 System Stream.