I'm looking for a tool to do a mass conversion of MP3's from ID3v1 to v2. Is there such a tool ? I've tried foobar but cannot see that it does it.
I don't think most people even know what ID3 tags are let alone have the desire to convert them. Thats my reason for why its hard to find a program that boasts mass conversion of v1 to v2 tags as a selling point (even if it is a feature). Why do you need to do a mass conversion of all your v1 tags to v2? The v2 tags are more flexible but less compatible than v1 tags. Version 2 tags where probibly created to make it possible to convert between ID3 and other tag types? Its doesn't seem like its possible (yet) with any program. If you do find a good program that does tell me about it ok. Thats a new one, Ced
diabolos - the reason is the 30 char limit on v1. I have a load of MP3s whose tag information is either imcomplete, incorrect or non-existent. Some had no meaningful filenames either. I spent a LOT of time going through them all and they all now have filenames in the form Track_no Artist--Title. I started to use Masstagger (in Foobar2000) to populate the tags from the filename but noticed that some of the info was being truncated. That's when I discovered the v1 limit. So I figured the solution would be to convert them all to v2 which doesn't have that limitation.
OK, I've found a tool to do this. It is called MP3 File Editor and can be downloaded here: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/audio_software/mp3_tools/mp3_file_editor.cfm