I'm still very new to DVD ripping and burning. I've tried to read everything I can in these forums before I post. I must admit..the forums along with the tutorials have been GREAT! I've had success using DVD Decryptor to convert a smaller movie I had to and ISO file and then using Decryptor to burn it to a Blank DVD+R. Worked great. I've Downloaded the Beta 3 version od DVD Shrink and have played with it a bit to see how it handles movies and how I can adjust the compression level by eliminating extras, etc. Here's my question: If I use DVD Decryptor to rip a larger DVD movie and save it in the "File" format (rather than ISO).....then open those files with DVD Shrink and do the elimination of extras and the nesessary compression.....and then back those files up with DVD Shrink. Could I then re-open up DVD Decryptor and select those edited files and burn them to a blank DVD (and expect the DVD to play)? I just bought Nero 6 Ultra and haven't installed it yet. I have read the tutorials about burning "Shrink" files to a DVD using Nero. But this question popped into my head last evening and I thought I'd ask the question. These forums are a great wealth of information....but sometimes trying to find an answer to a specific question is near impossible...even with the "search". It is impossible if you try using the "Subjects". One more quickey question....I know DVD Decryptor eliminates all the encryption on movie DVD's. Does DVD Shrink do the same..or is it just a re-authoring tool? from what I've read..I can't really tell for sure. Anyway..thanks to all who answer.
From what I know (never tried it), dvd decrypter will only burn .ISO files as it is basically an image burner, however I have never tried it but would be VERY surprised if it worked...... Dvd Shrink will basically do EVERYTHING directly from the disc - rip/strip/compress/re-author etc.....but occasionally there are problems with crossing over files that have been ripped with dvd decrypter first - rare but does happen... However no burning engine in there yet!!!!!! I use recordnow DX for burning - absolutely flawless so far... Check out http://www.chrismccann.co.ukm, there is a great guide for Dvd Shrink on there which will help..... Also a link for recordnow DX (trial version download) and a cool guide there aswell.... Hope this helps.....
Thanks for answering BaaBaa. DOH! UR absolutely correct. Don't know what I was thinking when I asked this....for some reason I thought DVD Decryptor allows the selection of files on the HD in additon to the DVD. It doesn't...so my question is moot. I'll just do the DVD Decrypter to Nero on this movie...total Bytes on the DVD are 4,404,641...so no shrink necessary. (Win98..so have to keep files size down or I'd have done the .ISO burn to my blank in DVD Decryptor) Thanks for the links....I'm commited to Nero 6 Ultra now..as I just popped $69.95 USD for it. Cheers..and thanks again