I have an environmental report to do soon. I need to know which two or three energy sources Canada promotes and why. Are there any articles - on the internet - or internet resources to find this information - specifically relating to Canada? I tried posting in an environmental forums - but it wouldn't log me in, so I couldn't do it. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could provide this information - which are top two in Canada's preference and why and why they don't choose other sources and other information like that? Thanks
ye did not search very hard...took me 30 sec.. and theres a hell of a lot more..using search using....energy sources Canada promotes start here http://energytrends.pnl.gov/canada/ca004.htm http://energy.sourceguides.com/businesses/byGeo/byC/Canada/byB/org/org.shtml http://energy.sourceguides.com/businesses/byGeo/byC/Canada/byN/byName.shtml http://www.cleanenergy.gc.ca/canada/items_list_e.asp?mode=org
hi thanks for your prompt reply. i was wondering whether there were any recent articles related to ALTERNATIVE energy sources - about Canada or general - and more sources to find more information on Canada's choice of ALTERNATIVE energy sources? Thanks
http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/corporate/statistics/neud/dpa/data_e/EEAE.cfm?attr=0 http://www.ic.gc.ca/cmb/welcomeic.nsf/ICPagesEPrint/85256A5D006B972085256FEB005B05F3 http://www.aresearchguide.com/energy.html http://www.vitalitymagazine.com/alternative_energy_part_ii http://www.2ontario.com/industry/energy.asp http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/engineer/altengy.html http://canadiandimension.com/articles/2006/07/07/556/
I know that Canada makes much more use of hydroelectric power than does the US, percentage wise. They have better natural resources for it though.
thanks for all ur help guys - i decided to go with the kyoto protocol is a topic - it's much easier to find information for that
Coincidentally this was in today's paper, which in my opinion should be an embarrassment to Canadians. http://www.canada.com/topics/news/world/story.html?id=01a15e65-c9d1-4133-ac48-602ad38f1dd0&k=98108 In British Columbia, they are promoting this product for people with furnaces: http://www.onedayvancouver.ca/news.php?type=2&id=293 Although it's not quite 100% alternative, it is a step in the right direction. In my opinion, it be wonderful if we could harness energy from our garbage. Would solve two problems at the same time. Good luck with your report.