I just came back from Texas & had forgot my password. I ended up having to restore my computer & I think I may have caused a problem with being able to copy my dvd's. I was able to but now I cannnot copy. Just found out 123Studio's has shut down so now I don't know what to. I have a plextor in my computer & have alot space to download but wanna know which download would be best for my system. I have a multi meda center (Gateway ) If you could help me I be ever so thankful! Kathie
download???, im not sure but all you need to do is get DVD Decrypter and DVD shrink both are freeware and you need dvd decrypter to burn with dvd shrink if you dont have nero.
Why are people monkeying around with those programs when DVD X Copy Xpress will do everything for you in two easy steps? I can't wait to try it at my cousins house in a couple days.
They are not hard to use and ive never had to "monkey" around with them. Its simple, you can reaurthor dvds, make backups or decrypt them... and its FREE.
Sirnos aint very smart isnt he? sounds to me like he hasnt even used the program yet nor he owns a computer. talkin about going to his cuzins house. Advice1: Dont go critizing shit that you havent even tried. Advice2: Dont talk shit saying another program is the best with out even trying it yet.
sirNOS, You don't have clue so sit down and shut up Tony, You are right, but again Go easy on the language it's not needed. KJFOX, Download the following (they are free) DVD shrink and DVD decrypter Read the guides(start with the ScubaPete special below) They are not hard to use, they are actually very easy if you have any questions. Let me knkow also check out the Shrink forum. Heres the link. http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/125 The Scuba Pete special recipe is as follows. I say, Iffin ya read da threads around here-a-bouts you'll come across an "Uncle" ScubaPete Guide - YA FOLLOW ALL THE DIRECTIONS AND ALL OF THE SETTINGS - Anyway, it's a big thingie - Kind of looks like this - Here we go, step by step - it can’t fail. First create a folder for your HD backup. Try to put it someplace where you won’t forget it (i.e. C:/All DVD Work/My movie Name). Next download DVD Decrypter and under mode select “ISO, Write”. Un-tick the box that says “verify”. Where it says “source”, you’ll leave that blank as DVD Decrypter will find the location of your backed up DVD file automatically. Lastly, where it says “Destination”, select the drive where your burner resides. Feel free to close DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink will open it when it needs it. The link for the newest DVD Decrypter - http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_decrypter.cfm Download DVD Shrink. Open it and click “Edit”, then click “Preferences” on this page we’re going to select “DVD Target Size” as custom and set the size as 4360MB - we do this to make extremely sure that our disc isn’t too large. Then under the “File I/O” tab un-tick “Enable burning with Nero” then click “OK”. The link for the newest DVD Shrink - http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_shrink.cfm Place your original DVD in your DVD-ROM drive and a DVD blank in your burner’s drive. (Of course if you only have a single drive, place your original in the drive and when you are asked for it, put your blank DVD in. Then, first chance you get buy yourself a DVD-ROM to ease the strain on your buirner.) DO USE Ritek G04, Verbatim or media boasting “Advanced AZO Dye. All other media could very well cause errors, only the very best media should be used for DVD Video backups. Now is defiantly not the time to put your crappy cheap stuff in - ) Now click "Backup" - Now, take just a second and under “Target Device” go to “Select target device” once there, select “ISO Disc Image”. NEXT, IMPORTANT, tick “Launch DVD Decrypter to burn the output image” box. Finally, where it says “Select target image file”, browse till you find your created folder for your backup and click “Save”. That’s it ! Click “OK” and DVD Shrink burns that ISO image to your HD. It then opens DVD Decrypter and has it burn the ISO image to your waiting blank DVD. Don’t use your PC for anything at all while it’s working. - I'M NOT KIDDING ! STAND BACK FROM THE COMPUTER ! * There have been issues where playing your DVD on your burner may result in errors during processing :-( Enjoy, Pete
Tony216 you shut your mouth you P.O.S. punk. I've downloaded everything and all I have to work with over here is a DVD Rom you MF. Punk P.O.S. is making me enraged!
@KJFOX, It's 321studios .. and you can post your XCopy questions in this forum: http://dvdxcopy.afterdawn.com Those programs that michigan & 2005 mentioned are excellent free programs, but since you did buy XCopy might as well get that to work also.
What are your opinions regarding CloneDVD2? This program seems to do all that Decrypter and Shrink do but all at the same time. I have used both and find CloneDVD2 more convenient. Is there something I don't know about CloneDVD2? I would appreciate a reply. Thx
Great program. Alot of people like it. Here's your comparison: Most people run AnyDVD with CloneDVD2 ... so: 1) AnyDVD($38) + CloneDVD2($58) 2) DVD Shrink(free) + DVD Decrypter(free) that's it
Having followed the instructions above I'm getting "Overlapping I/O Operation" message at the point DVD Shrink reads to original DVD - anyone know why and how I can overcome this ? many thanks, Rick
rickycow, Do you have the box check for "Enable Overlapping I/O" in Shrink? Also you could try searching this issue in the Shrink forum.
Hello all! I recently got my DVD burner and have just begun researching the backing up of my DVD's. I came across this thread and decided to try DVD decrypter and DVD shrink. I'd like to thank all that recomended them! They are GREAT programs! I did however come across one problem. When the burn is finished I get an icon telling me the burn had failed. I tried it on my home and computer player and it worked perfectly. Is this bad? The DVD's work perfectly... Am I doing something wrong? ps: if you try and like the programs DVD decrypter and DVD shrink, you should reward the programer with a donation. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]http://www.ediblegod.com a new reality...!!![/small]
ediblegod, I say it's time for you to take a look at the forum rules. And while your at it, remove the link to cracked software. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
ediblegod, welcome to the sight. You will find everyone very helpful and willing to share their knowledge BUT no one will help with are support crack sights and movie down load sights. Like flip said, read the rules and all will be ok. Enjoy.