Cannot copy pictures to CD....

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by e.n, Oct 20, 2002.

  1. e.n

    e.n Guest

    Hi,my dvd-r/rw write cannot copy photo to a CD.When i double-click the Cd-drive in My computer it pop out these messsage: D:/ is not accessible.In correct function.
    What happen?I can write music but not photo.And fews week ago it can write photo from Floppy disk to CD,but not now.Anyone know what wrong with it?One more think is making me very confuse when I check the CD Drive(D:) properties it said that my DVD/CD-r is Pioneer DVR-104,but I have DVR-A04.WHY????Earlier I did download a driver from the pioneer website(that I read some news from here).Is that the problem that change the model DVR-A04 to DVR-104??

    If anyone know how to slove these problem Please show me how..


  2. e.n

    e.n Guest

    I´m using Windows XP Home Edition.
  3. loaded

    loaded Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2002
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    A04 / 104, makes no difference, one is OEM (Other Equipment Manufacturer) which simply means it is sold by Pioneer in truckloads to Hokey Cokey Computers, or whoever who then slap it in their machine, therefore eliminating conflicting branding on the machine. Leave as is.

    With regards to burning, you can simply burn photos to disk using XP, just right click the folder or file then click on send to DVD-R. Make sure media is new, not used before and then click on the bubble at the bottom right of the screen. If this is not working, i could not begin to help, as this is not XP support desk! Although, you could try alternative writing software, like Nero for example.

    Good luck, Paul.

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