################################################################# [15:13:41] DVDEngine ERROR [15:13:41] DVDEngine cause: 128 (nmc_processing_exception) [15:13:41] DVDEngine source: CNeVideoEncoder::GetNextAccessUnit [15:13:41] DVDEngine description: cannot get next video frame [15:13:41] DVDEngine ################################################################# Constantly getting this error, anyone know why and can suggest a solution ? Nero fails at the transcoding process, not a DVD burning issue. Version is Nero Ultra Edition v8 0 3 1, although same happened in Vers. 7 Grateful thanks (in anticipation)
Try using ConvertXtoDVD and see if it will successfully convert the file for you. If so, the problem is with Nero; otherwise there's a problem with the file. http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/
Well, thanks for that, but I don't want to have to buy something else to do the job of Nero, especially when untried/tested. (The demo puts a watermark on the film) Also, Nero WAS working on other files. I have actually tried it with two sets now (saved project files in case of rectification), with same result. I'm now gonna have a third go with files that I know have no other association on my system. In fact, I might have a go burning another copy of one I have successfully done earlier. I've also tried DVD Flick, to which there is a link on this site, but there's nothing like the same flexibility for titles, proper chapters (every 10 minutes!), background screenshots, buttons and so on..... This seems to have worked (I didn't want another coaster so I 'burnt' to hard drive) which suggests the files are ok.