downloaded movie (AVI) from full releases,burned to dvd with Nero 7, used DVD Decrypter (read mode) to transfer back to hard drive, then DVD Decrypter again to transfer back to DVD+RW (write mode)still will not play on my dvd player sony dav-s550 or any other dvd player. can someone please tell what i am doing wrong
if your player can't play AVI files then I would use NeroVision or ConvertXToDVD to convert the AVI file to DVD Compliant file and then burn to DVD and it will play on your player!
when i write the file through dvd decrypter from dvd back to the d: drive it converts it to mds file, which is the file i then use to transfer back through dvd decryter to a blank dvd. should this help.
Like Ihoe said, you have to convert the AVI file to dvd-compliant files(VOB,IFO,BUP) if you want to watch it on a dvd player. here is a guide for nero vision they way you are trying to do does not work as you have found out.