Hello I have recently installed windows vista elite on my pc. It has worked fine these past several months, then one day I decided to try trends free online scanner to see if my pc was free from viruses even though I had avast installed aswell as having the new windows defender + windows firewall. When I ran the scanner it seemed to stop working, not really bothering I tried panda - this too would not scan till eventually I tried just about every free online scanner - all with the same results. I know I must have some kid of virus running on my computer - can anyone advise me what to do to resolve the problem. The computer seems to be running okay - but really I'm sceptical to use the computer to purchase anything incase whatever is there compromisies my bank details. Any help will be most appreciated.
I'm not certain, as I don't use Vista, but often, scans that work with XP might not work on another OS.