I have dvd shrink and decrypter, and it worked on a few movies but now shrink keeps having issues. Is there a better program I can Buy and use? I don;t mind paying for a better program. Let me know.
Like Ripper says, we need more info, like what are the symptoms? If I were to take a wild guess, I would say that you are having troubles because DVD Decrypter and Shrink are not updated anymore and cannot handle the new encryptions. You can still do everything with free software, like DVDFab HD Decrypter,which great, or if you don't mind paying $80 you could buy AnyDVD, another excellent decrypter/ripper. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/494836 http://www.ultimate-dvdr.com/anydvd/4290-anydvd-hd-tutorial.html
With a lot of newer movies when I open shrink then try to open disc, it spins then comes up with errors and says cannot be done. Is there a better program or a way of fixing this? a friend of mine had dvd santa and dvd platinum. Are these good? I am new to this and don't mind downloading another program or buying one. Any info appreciated, thanks
I put up two links for you describing all that you need: DVDFab HD Decrypter or AnyDVD. DVD Santa won't work. DVDFab Platinum will work, is the paid verion of DVDFab HD Decrypter.
download and run the free app dvdfab HD decrypter to replace dvd decrypter then you can continue like normal using shrink. edit: what the guy before me said...
thanks for the responses, i read that someone was saying try running dvd decrypter and then shrink and it should be okay. What do you think? I thought shrink had to run first??
dvd decrypter is no longer supported and will have problems with alot (if not most newer releases) Ditch it and use dvdfab HD Decrypter and you'll be better off. You can use it to rip the movie to the HD then transcode and burn with your favorite program.
If I download the full version of dvdfab hd decrypter http://www.dvdfab.com/free.htm is that all I need?
1)CRC-sometimes encrypted related,usually damaged disc. 2)Illegal DVD Navigation structure error 3)Programming error-exception occurred 4)Failed to read- Copy protection error-The read failed because the sectore is encrypted. Those are 4 of the errors dvd shrink will display when it can't handle the newer encryptions,but it can still handle 90%+ movies out there. I use anydvd by slysoft. It's a background ripper,and helps a lot of dvd programs rip the newer encryption. It works for me with nero,sonic,dvd shrink,dvd decrypter,imgburn,dvdfab It's not free,but there's a free trial at slysoft.com.They increased the price at the 1st of the year,so it almost doubled to around $80. Being a background ripper,there's no extra steps involved. Once you see the little red fox in the lower right corner tray,she's running and you can proceed with your normal dvd backup process. A lot of peeps don't like to change their backup process,so anydvd is convenient. There's still some nasty encryptions out there where my dvd shrink/anydvd won't work.You have to have alternatives. Usually nerorecode 2/anydvd works for me.Sometimes only the main movie only can be backed up until dvd ripping programs are updated to handle it. Anydvd is updated quite regularly. There's other programs out there that some other members posted will add to the thread later. My process on 99% of my compressed backups: Rip with dvd shrink/sometimes enabling anydvd/autoburn with nero 6. Up to 3 total programs,and the only one I have to open up is dvd shrink. Anydvd is in the background,and nero kicks in after the encoding to harddrive. It's just like having a 1 program process. Dual dvd drives,even sweeter!! Set it and forget it!
you should be able to carry on like you did before, the difference now being you select the video files from your hard drive into shrink instead of the dvd in your drive. There are many good programs out there you can pay for, eg: dvdfab platinum, but there is no reason you can't do what you want for free either.
Okay i have made some progress. I downloaded dvdfabhddecrypter then ran shrink but now it says it's too big for the disc. I picked backup movie only and it's too large. Any ideas??
Shrink says too large: After you open up dvd shrink/open files:What number does dvd shrink show on the compression? It's the number just below video-and directly under automatic. A couple of the newer releases this month,shrink did something screwy.It gave me a red sliderbar,but a high number under the compression,even after reauthoring. The higher the number shrink shows,the lower the compression. Example: Shrink shows 90%. That means it's only compressed 10%. Shrink shows you 40 or lower,then that's some major compression of 60% and the sliderbar may very well have red in it. The 2 flicks,shrink gave me a 90 on one of them along with the sliderbar. I ignored the red sliderbar and went with what shrink told me was the true percentage.
It worked out. After shrink said it was too large I hit the analyse button in shrink and although it told me it wasn't necessary I did it anyway. When it finished it was smaller and fit to a disc. Thanks
I'm glad you got her fixed. I thought I was going dilusional because I though I was the only person getting false red sliderbars from dvd shrink.