hi, i just finished installing zone alarm pro and i clicked finish and had the start zone alarm pro and then my pc reset! and now whenever i try to start my pc it resets just before going to desktop! :'( iv had a look online for how to boot in safe mode and for xp it sais to press f8 but when i press f8 it just gives me 3 options for how to boot ( boot from hdd, floppy or cd) any ideas how i can boot in safe mode?
false alarm, after about the 5th try it let me boot in safe mode and now its sorted =D still i dunno why it kept resetting when i installed zone alarm, it has installed fine on my laptop o.0
That's a boot menu, not correct menu Try this alternative from here -> http://www.pchell.com/support/safemode.shtml To use the System Configuration Utility method * Close all open programs. * Click Start, Run and type MSCONFIG in the box and click OK * The System Configuration Utility appears, On the BOOT.INI tab, Check the "/SAFEBOOT" option, and then click OK and Restart your computer when prompted. * The computer restarts in Safe mode. * Perform the troubleshooting steps for which you are using Safe Mode. When you are finished with troubleshooting in Safe mode, open MSCONFIG again, on the BOOT.INI tab, uncheck "/SAFEBOOT" and click OK to restart your computer