I am trying to burn a 4.7GB data DVD and when I attempt to burn it I can't because it says the DVD can only hold 4,483MB of data instead of 4,700MB which it should be able to hold. So my question is HOW can i get Nero to burn that much data onto a DVD, I would like to get all of this onto 1 DVD so I don't have extra discs laying around. I am using the latest version of nero and I have a digital research dvd burner. My discs are Fuji 4.7GB DVD-R. Any help would be appreciated.
4.5GB is all you can physically fit on a DVDR despite the 4.7GB rating. It's down to different ways of measuring capacity kinda like hard drives.
4,483MB is quite a bit anyway. Im one fo the few who set theirs as high as 4,480MB, if its too high you will get disappointing results near the end...