Can't burn back up discs

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by imkerry, Feb 1, 2004.

  1. imkerry

    imkerry Guest

    I am hoping someone can help me. I had made back up copies on the majority of our dvds so that we could take them on holiday, or when w are traveling. On returning from our vacation, our house had been broken into, and all our dvds and cd's were gone. Now i want to make another copy of my dvds, but i get an error message with a lot of them. I have tried copying the disc with nero, going through dvd decrypter again, ihave tried using smart ripper, and Alocol 120%. I get to a certain spot, and it wont go any further. The message says it is an unrecovered read error. Any help would be muchly appreciated.

  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Sorry to hear of the break in :(

    An unrecoverable read error sounds like a dirty or scratched disc. Make sure your disc is clean. Are you getting this read error with just a single disc or all that you've tried?
  3. imkerry

    imkerry Guest

    just the occasional disk. I can do a couple, then the next one will play up. I have just looked at the disks i have had trouble with, and so far, the appear scratch free and clean.

    *sigh* i might just have to wait and buy them again with insurance money.
  4. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Did you make your backups with DVD XCopy Xpress ??

    If so, they have made it difficult to copy their copies.

    If not -well, there is no need to run them through Decrypter or SmartRipper as they already have their copy write protection removed.

    You should be able to copy them disc-to-disc "On the Fly" using Nero or CloneDVD (at a slow speed, slower the better).

    Lastly, you say you copy a few and then get "stuck" - I have found that myself - I found that when that happens, I reboot my PC, it seems to clear my memory and the next time I try, with the same disc, it usually works without a hitch.

  5. imkerry

    imkerry Guest

    one or two of them are with dvd x copy xpress. The rest are with dvd decrypter and dvd2one. I will try the rebooting thing, and see where that gets me. I have copied some others with nero and they worked just fine. Just a few inparticular. Thanks for replying.

  6. imkerry

    imkerry Guest

    I have tried to re boot and start all over again, but still no luck. I don't understand what the problem is, and it is so frustrating. Any more ideas, please send them my way.


  7. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Hi Kerry!

    Have you tried to do the backup with DVD Decrypter in ISO mode, first read, then write. This method will also make copies of backups made with DVDXCopy Xpress. At least it has worked for me...
    I hope you get your problem solved and I also hope the insurance company will repay you your loss.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2004
  8. forkndave

    forkndave Member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    If any of the disks that won't copy have labels on them, take them off. I have had similar problems and it was caused by the labels. Everd DVD that I removed the label from worked.
  9. imkerry

    imkerry Guest

    thanks for all your help folks. using decrypter iso format has certainly solved the problem. Its great to know there is such a wonderful group of people who will help you out when you get stuck. Thanks again.

  10. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Glad we could help!

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