Can't connect DV Camcorder thru Firewire card!

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by bobraffo, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. bobraffo

    bobraffo Member

    Nov 7, 2004
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    I have a Dell Dimension 2400 running XP Home User edition with P4 at 3 gigs with 1 gig of ram and 120 gig hard drive. Got a Sony DCR-HC40 camcorder. Tried 3 different Firewire cards (Adaptec, Belkin, Lucent) and 3 different editing programs (Power Director 3, Pinnacle Studio 8, Ulead Video Studio 5) all with the same result. There is no video shown in the play and record window. Pinnacle program says it's trying to connect to camcorder thru firewire but nothing happens, Power Director accesses camcorder and controls allowing you to fast forward, rewind, stop, etc. the tape but no video or audio shows up. tried many suggestions found in discussion groups but nothing works. Divice Manager shows IEEE 1394 card installed and working properly and camcorder under imaging device. At my witts end. can somebody please help?
  2. Streamcod

    Streamcod Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Q.your camera use 4pin firewire or 6pin firewire, i mean the port which is in the cam?

    Q.are you sure u install the firewire drive right way,can u see it in Device manager?

    Q.did you set the camera on play mode to let computer begin read the DV
  3. bobraffo

    bobraffo Member

    Nov 7, 2004
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    Computer has 6 pin, camera has 4 pin. Tried 2 different 6 to 4 pin cables with no luck. Firewire card and camcorder both show up in device manager. Camcorder was in play mode. Any other suggestions?
  4. Streamcod

    Streamcod Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    do you use DirectShow in your system?
  5. bobraffo

    bobraffo Member

    Nov 7, 2004
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    Not familiar with direct show. Is it neccessary to view video?
  6. woody_223

    woody_223 Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    i got the hc 30 and there is an option on the camcorder menu to enable dv

    make sure that is on yes
  7. KandyKid

    KandyKid Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    If you are running Windows SP2 dump it, roll it back to sp1 and you're fire wire will work. I just went through the same frustration. SP1 will allow you to work fine.

    You can with great difficulty change the files "1394bus.sys, arp1394.sys and ohci1394.sys". But win SP2 does not let you change imporant files like these three, they are corrupt
  8. glenpinn

    glenpinn Guest

    hi there.
    well i have had this firewire capture problem since installing sp2 from sp1, and there is a conflict in the firewire drivers from sp1 to sp2.
    THE FIX...if u can, do a fresh install of winxp with sp2 installed, but dont put sp1 on then load sp2 after.
    i just reformatted my pc with xp pro + sp2, and now i got my firewire going again.
    i did that stupid thing about changing firewire files from sp1 to sp2, it works for some, not for others, and rolling sp2 back to sp1 wont always fix it either (it didnt for me as sp2 corrupted my sp1 firewire drivers)
    if u had sp1 and then loaded sp2, first try uninstalling sp2 back to sp1, if it dont work, then all i can say is get a fresh install done with xp, but install sp2, it will definately work, i guarrentee it.

    kandykid, your information is not fully correct, your assuming everyone has had sp1 then installed sp2, which is why the firewire got corrupted in the first place.
    if people have a newer pc with xp and sp2 installed, there is no firewire issues at all, this firewire mess evolved only from going from sp1 up to sp2.
    there are thousands of people who had this problem, and everyone who reformatted and did a fresh install of xp with sp2 have now got firewire back like i have.
    u cant roll back sp2 to sp1 if u havent previously installed sp1 on your pc, but as i said, rolling back worked for very few people, just do a fresh install with sp2 and your on the road again, i guarantee it.

    good luck.....GLEN
  9. flaur

    flaur Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    for those who have this problem, like i did, if you stil want sp2 and a working firewire connection you might consider upgrading to win xp media center 2005. it has sp2 and the firewire issue seemed solved. i had the same problem with sp2 / firewire and now at least for me is no longer an issue.
    or you can do the things described on 'microsoft dv driver woes' topic which treated the same problem.
    good luck.

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