hello all. my computer needs defraging but when i attempt to do this i get an error saying "disk defragmenter has detected that chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume: (C). please run chkdsk /f." i dont know why i get this. does anyone know how i can fix this problem. thankyou for any replies....
Well you'll have to run checkdisk like it says. From start menu choose run. Write chkdsk /f to the field and run, then let it go through your harddrive. It might take a while, I recommend you do it over night.
You have to do it in Windows from the Command prompt. Go to Start, click on Run, then type in cmd.exe You will see a box come up. In that box, type chkdsk C: /f There is a space between chkdsk and C:. There is also a space between C: and the /f. You will be asked if you want to unmount the volume. Type in a Y for yes. I think that it will tell you it can't do it, and asks you if you want to do it at boot up. Type Y again, for yes. It will run the chkdsk at boot up. Once the computer boots up, you should be able to defrag. Let us know how it works out.
-GrandpaBW- is 100%...I mean 200% RIGHT on this as I had the same issue and trusty -GrandpaBW- helped me through the same problem. Thanks again -GrandpaBW-
thanks for your replies.i done what was told but when i reboot nothing happens and i still cant defrag.
i cant defrag either.everytime i try it starts but the computer will freeze anywhere between 20%-80%.i think my computer is just too slow and unstable.
try using a program like DefragNT or O&O Defrag or just search the net or a download site for 'defrag' and you will find lots a programs... anyway the windows disk defragmentor is like one of the worst available...
Just passing... Maybe you need to download this program called [bold]Diskeeper 10 Professional Premier[/bold]. This program is excellant and extreamly time saving because of it's "Set it and Forget It" feature which automatically defragments your had drives. You download a copy from this web site http://www.diskeeper.com/downloads/home/downloads.asp?RId=1&SId=2&CId=5&pass=918147963 Hope this helped...
teach & learn ddp Off subject,some what. How I get a quick defrag, if I have a Current back up operating system with Norton ghost..and if my system needs a defreg.all I do is use ghost and overwrite the present system..which takes around 20 min instead of a hour or more,to defrag. Note I have a 120gb hard drive,but only keep 21gb on it..all the other info is put on external drives (4 at 300gb each) My secondary hard drive 300gb has 60% of my programs on it.. 2nd note i have 2-more internal hd used with a promise card also used for storage..
unless your backup is totally upto date with system, i wouldn't do that. i have a copy of diskkeeper lite that does defrag quicker than windows does. pm me.
i do that all the time..since 2003..i back up one a week never had a problem.. pm on the way ddp this address kept messing up as i posted it to ye http://www.yousendit.com/ Diskeeper 10 Professional Edition Version 10.0.593.0
@ddp: Windows XP degragger is a lite version of Diskeeper. @dragonz17: You can still get that "scheduled to defrag" in Diskeeper. I had it happen a few times with Diskeeper 8. I now have Diskeeper 10. @bartyboy7: I am glad that you got it squared away. I don't understand why the cmd.exe did not work for you.